Blue Valentine
Debuted at the Sundance festival, the film's narrative is based around a young married couple, played by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, whose relationship is falling apart. This results in the story going back and forth in time to show how the couple met and ended up together.
Spring 2011
A comedy by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost about two sci-fi geeks who visit American UFO terrority. While they are there they meet an alien, as you do (?), who takes them on an insane road trip.
Scream 4
It's ten years on, and Sydney Prescott, who has just managed to get her life back on track thanks to writing, is visited by the ghost face killer, arghhhh, and what's more the old rules (e.g can't be killed if you are a virgin) don't apply anymore.
The film features most of the original characters including Neve Campbell and Courtney Cox, along with some new ones.
Summer 2011
The Hangover 2
The sequel to one of the funniest films of 2009, Phil, Stu, Alan and Doug travel to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After Vegas, Stu is hoping for a calm and subdued brunch, however things don't go as planned and there is a possibility that one of the guys get tattooed for life.
Summer 2012
The Dark Knight Rises
Currently being written by David Goyer, the film will star Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy. But can their performances top the late Heath Ledger's as the Joker in the preceding film?
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