A girl's guide to the world of TV and film

Monday, 26 September 2011

The Only Way is Essex-Mark's off girls as new lads hit the scene

 It's been a long wait over the summer, but Towie is back, hurrah. Amy Childs may have left the show, but there are some new characters in Essex, male model twins Dino and Georgio and Maria’s boyfriend Mario, who didn’t leave much to the imagination, making their first appearances on last night’s show.

And they’re not the only changes, as last night ultimate player Mark Wright turned soppy following his break-up from fiancée Lauren weeks ago.

In a conversation with best mate Arg, Mark questioned him about where he had been and accused him of not being there for him like he was when he split with Lydia, who are now back together.

Arg said that he thinks he hasn’t got the right balance between him (Mark) and girlfriend Lydia as he either spends too much time with Mark and Lydia gets annoyed or vice versa.

Mark told Arg he’s devastated about the break-up and the fact he knows they will never get back together kills him.

‘I’m genuinely cut to pieces’, he said.

24 hours later and Mark tells his best mate he’s seen the light and will no longer listen to Lady in Red, but watch films like The Hangover. And in a shock move he pledged to 14 nights of celibacy.

Arg told him he wanted to support him, but didn’t think he would be able to do it, backed by Nanny Pat, who popped into Marks’ flat to collect his washing.

The real test came, not just for Mark, but Joey having split from Sam and Kirk, who ended things with Lauren Pope, at jess’ party when the guys bumped into their exes for the first time.

To make the situation more awkward, Mark approached Lauren, who was looking stunning, and told her it’s hard to forget the way I loved you.
‘You’re the most beautiful girl in the world’, he said. ‘I will love you for the rest of my life.’

Although earlier in the day, Lauren told her new roommate Lauren Pope that she is well rid of Mark, who was Mr Wrong not Mr Wright.

And Joey followed Mark’s lead at the party, arguing with ex Sam about why they split up, after telling new best mate Kirk he still fancies the shop owner.

So it seems that Mark and Joey are loosing their touch especially now the new models on the block have turned up and are impressing the ladies, not with their height or lack of but their Greek and Italian backgrounds.

However things are looking up for Arg, who is back with Lydia, who is opening a bakery, and even getting on with his future mother-in-law Debbie, who told him he is looking more and more like Dustin Hoffman everyday, referring to his weight loss of half a stone.

Car saleswoman Gemma is also doing well after loosing half her body weight and getting over Kirk’s dad Mick.

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