Joey took Sam out on a date to the dump on last night’s episode. The blonde store owner was treated to an adventure, Joey style to learn about his life. Mr Essex arrived at Sam’s house announcing they were going on a bike ride. A surprise choice for a guy whose pride and joy is his hair. Obviously no-one told him bike helmets and good hair don’t mix. Sam, who had spent hours getting ready, wasn’t impressed, particularly after he suggested she swap her heels for trainers.
Earlier while getting ready, Sam had told sister Billie her ideal date would be a trip to the theatre in a chauffeur driven car. Joey clearly had other ideas and took her on a points of interest tour, where they visited the local dump. And they say romance is dead? He said that he wanted to share the dump with her as he spent lots of time there as a child collecting materials to make tree-houses.
‘You didn’t do that?’, he said sounding surprised? Sam replied, ‘I went on adventures but not to the tip!’
When he asked her if she was enjoying the date, Sam said, ‘It’s different. I liked the effort you put into the picnic but not the tip.’
‘Am I a better kisser than Mark’, he asked? Sam admitted he was as his kiss had meaning.
While Joey and Sam were out on their date, the other girls- Amy, Maria, Chloe, Jess and Popey, got together for a botox party, the ultimate Essex must-have. But the conversation got heated as Lauren ridiculed Mark’s plans to open a model agency. Jess, who gave her new boobs their first proper outing, defended her brother and told Lauren they should have their own careers, particularly after they get married as they will need the money.
Not much to say to that really? I didn't realise these sort of people actually exist? I am not sure if 'tragic' is strong enough? So I take it they were spawned from humans? They are an insult to humanity. I know for a fact that these idiots (who should have a licence to be allowed out) are in the minority in Essex. Dumbing down at its worst - True garbage - oh well at least they are 'good looking' I suppose!