Arg told Lydia's mum Debbie, aka the mother-in-law from hell, that he would get things sorted after they bumped into each other on last night's episode, and she informed him that her daughter is in pieces over his alleged cheating.
Debbie claimed that Lydia cries all the time, won't eat and doesn't want to step outside of the house. When she asked James if there is any truth to he rumours he quickly said no. But Debbie said then she couldn't understand why people close to him have started the rumours? James claimed it's because of his bubbly personality, but Debbie didn't seem convinced.
'We- me, you and Lydia, have to get to the bottom of this', she said. 'I'll get it sorted', replied James. 'You do that', said Debbie.
Although, in an earlier conversation Lydia had with Lucy, she made it clear that she thought James is lying. She told Lucy how she had made a mistake and slept with 'Arg' after getting drunk. 'I'm soooo embarrassed', she admitted. Lucy asked her how she felt about the situation. 'Confused, hurt and embarrassed', she said. Lucy told her she would have to decide what her feelings are for James before doing anything like that again, and said she thought that Lydia didn't want to be with him right now. Lydia agreed.
And it seems like Lydia's dream might come true, after Gemma read her tarot cards at Kirk's birthday party and told her she will meet a new man very soon. She also said that Lydia would find something out that would piss her off. Lydia told Gemma that she felt finding a new man would be the perfect way to get over James, a guy that wows her and makes her see how bad it was with Arg.
At the same time, James confronted Sam and Billie over the rumours they have been spreading that he has cheated on Lydia, despite Mark warning him before not to as girls all stick together and not to trust anyone.
Arg told Billie and Sam that he had worked it out who told Lydia that he had cheated as they had been 'off-ish', with him and he had put two and two together. But he thought they were closer to him than Lydia?
Sam said they were but had to say something as Lydia was upset. James admitted to them he had done things wrong but never actually done anything with other girls.
'We're not being shit stirrers but we hear rumours', said Billie. Arg challenged them to name an incident. Billie told him she had heard he had oral sex in a club? James laughed and said that's not the type of thing he would do.
'There's no smoke without fire', said Billie. 'You need to be truthful, but you're not going to be are you?'
No one beats my ex Mother In Law From Hell im going to do a page just for you all to read be PREPARED to be SHOCKED