A girl's guide to the world of TV and film

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Apprentice- Felicity is fired

Logic’s PM Felicity was axed on last night’s show for, according to Lord Sugar, ‘A disastrous task and not being decisive.’

‘There’s no way I could have gone into business with her’, Sugar told his advisers Karen and Nick. ‘If you did you would have to make all the decisions’, replied Karen.

Last night’s task challenged the two teams, lead by Felicity and Zoe, to choose two beauty products/treatments to sell in Birmingham. Zoe’s team-Venture, choose a spray tan and cold pedicure, while Felicity’s team, Logic, also chose the spray tan, which they lost to the other team, so went with a blow dry bar and a hot shell massage.

Venture spent £734 on products and made £937, a profit of £203.01. Logic spent a massive £924, made £677, which is a loss of £246.28.

PM Felicity blamed the failure of the task on team mates Ellie and Natasha, who she took in to the boardroom with her. Ellie she said had sat back and not shown any enthusiasm, while Natasha she claimed failed to sell any treatments, just products.

Lord Sugar questioned Ellie, whose job in the task was to give treatments, about what she had done for the three hours she was upstairs in the team’s treatment rooms without any customers, and asked her why she hadn’t called her colleagues downstairs to see what was going on. ‘It’s a very serious issue’, he said. However Sugar decided to give Ellie the benefit of the doubt and told her in future to come forward.

To Natasha, who Karen warned him was all talk, Lord Sugar asked why she had only been selling the products rather than the treatments. In which she replied that there was no strategy to sell treatments, Felicity claimed this was not true. ‘You didn’t catch on to the fact that the idea of the task was to sell treatments (the money maker)’, said Sugar. ‘I’m not looking for a receiver. I’m looking for someone that does something.

But it wasn’t only the loosing team who got a telling off. Lord Sugar told Venture that their profit was exactly great, particularly as they had Susan on their team, who sells beauty products for a living. Susan agreed with him, however the rest of the team blamed her for their poor result, with Zoe claiming that she had trusted Susan’s word in the amount of products they should buy. But Susan denied that it was her fault.

Next week the teams have to design and make a new brand of dog food. Don’t they say never work with children or animals?

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