A girl's guide to the world of TV and film

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Jamie's Food Revolution LA-the chef refuses to give in

Jamie fought back against the LAUSD last night by moving his kitchen outside Wesr Adams’ school after his filming permit expired.

He told the students on his last visit them and their families are welcome to come to his kitchen to learn about healthy food and how to cook. They can’t stop me on my own premises out of school time, he reminded them.

The naked chef also worked to convince Mike, who is part of the team that runs West Adams’ school, to become independent of the LAUSD and go it alone like one school an hour and a half’s drive away in Santa Barbara. The only problem is budgets, confessed Mike on a visit to the school. But the chef proved that healthy food costs can be kept to a minimum as the Santa Barbara institution have 70 per cent of pupils on free school meals and still make a profit by growing their own fruit and vegetables. Pupils even said they liked their school’s meals and marked them 10/10.

Mike agreed to go ahead with the changes, starting with introducing a vegetable bed into his school, something Jamie was not allowed to help with having been disallowed from stepping onto the school’s grounds.

During the programme, the chef also revisited the family he helped in last week’s show, and received an award from UCLA for ‘Public Health Champion.’

‘This year I haven’t errant it yet’, he said in his thank you speech. ‘It’s been the hardest month of my whole career.’

‘The only way brilliant change can happen is if all areas come together at the same time and invest in making social health change.’

However, next week it looks like Jamie could get his wish, as the newly appointed LAUSD superintendent agrees to a meeting and suggests changing (food) policy in schools.

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