‘You have a degree in hospitality, understanding food and all that stuff’, said Sugar. ‘It was a long time ago’, replied Natasha, despite boasting to her team mates about her BA Hons at the beginning of the task and telling them she had run her own restaurant at uni.
‘You learnt fundamental things in your degree’, stated Sugar. Natasha said that she hadn’t been interested in the food side of things and honed in on the areas she liked.
‘It’s like doing a first aid degree and not being able to help someone (sick) in the street’, said Sugar. ‘I didn’t like doing resuscitation but had to do it.’
He added, ‘You started off as a house on fire, but I’ve found you lack lustre in the last few weeks. You’re fired.’
Lord Sugar told Karen and Nick that Natasha not being able to handle the process was a weakness and shown she couldn’t be his business partner.
Natasha, Jim (PM) and Susan went head to head in the boardroom after loosing the task with a miserable score of 4/10 for their Caracas Mexican restaurant. Whilst team Logic, Helen (PM) and Tom, earned 7/10 for their traditional British pie and mash takeaway called ‘Mypy’, putting the pair in Sunday’s final. Industry experts judged the teams on their customer service, standard of menu, their restaurant’s brand I-D and it’s potential longevity.
In the boardroom Sugar asked team Venture where their business plan was. Susan admitted they didn’t have one and hadn’t though about profit margins, proven when Jim’s sums failed to total up, coming out with a figure of 4,000 rather than 400, after an industry expert asked how much money they expected to make over a lunchtime.
Sugar also criticised the teams for slow service after waiting ten minutes for his ‘fast food’. PM Jim, who the girls ganged up on, blamed it on the equipment.
Lord Sugar wasn’t convinced and told Jim he had the manner, which some call charisma, which sometimes is a good trait in business, but it has its downfall. He added that he liked Jim’s spirit and was putting him through to the final.
Susan, he said, didn’t get on with too may people, which could be down to her being ruthless.
‘Not many people have a good word to say about you, but you’ve achieved a lot. Susan you’re in the final’, he said.
Helen, Tom, Jim and Susan face a grilling in Sunday’s final when they hand over and are questioned about their business plans.
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