A girl's guide to the world of TV and film

Friday, 18 November 2011

I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here-The two teams become one

The camps combined on last night's show, with Snake Rock joining Croc Creek to form one team. While Snake Rock were sad to break-up their little 'family', celebs at Croc Creek were looking forward to the move and enjoying new conversations.

Mark seemed particularly pleased that Jessica-Jane, who he beat in the celeb chest challenge, where they had to fill waders with water, would be joining the group, and even Stephanie Powers seemed content to be sous chef to Anthony Cotton, after he told her he prepared three different meals a day from just rice and beans.

The coming together of the camps followed the arrival of two new celebs-Sinitta and Pat Sharp, who endured a night in a cave full of cockroaches to win their team mates their luxury items-including Lorraine Chase's teddy bear, and Dougie's girlfriend's hairband sprayed with her perfume. Sinitta's time in the cave, screaming and standing frozen to a spot, also won her the public vote to compete in tonight's trial Cable Car Tastrophe.

The announcement of the camps merging also came after Fatima, formerly of Croc Creek, beat Dougie, former Snake Rock member, at the Rat Run trial, which saw the pair scramble on their hands and knees around a maze with cockroaches, a lizard and rats, to find five stars. Dougie said he had been dreading having to go up against the Olympic athlete.

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