A girl's guide to the world of TV and film

Monday, 28 March 2011

Sam wins Dancing on Ice

Sam claimed the title of Dancing on Ice winner 2011 last night. The soap star proved his worth after delivering an outstanding performance of his own version of Torville and Dean’s Bolero, along with children’s TV presenter Laura, whose routine was, according to the judges, ‘Slow to get going’, putting her in overall second place.

The pair were chosen by the public vote to skate the honourary Bolero after Chloe was knocked out of the competition, following the celeb skaters’ final showcase, which saw them choose the costumes, lighting and make-up, and an encore performance of their favourite routine.

Top skater Sam wowed  the judges, even with the injury he sustained in training, with his choreography to ‘Footloose’, which Jason said was ‘fiesty and very clever’, and Emma called ‘Ammmazzzing’, earning him a score of 29.5/30.

Laura skated to Madonna’s ‘Express yourself’, which saw her and two other female professional skaters don secretary outfits, while the men wore very little. But her attempt to recreate Madonna’s music video was unsuccessful. Comments from the judges included, ‘You don’t have the fire I expected’- Robin and ‘You were missing the sexy Madonna feel’- Emma. Laura’s score 26/30.

Chloe took on the part of Baby for her Dirty Dancing performance to ‘The Time of my Life’. However much like Laura, she failed to pull it off, mainly because of her tabletop lift, which Jason branded a ‘collapsible cardboard table, earning her a score of 25.5/30.

For their encores, Sam re-perfomed his Riverdance on ice, Laura her routine to ‘I’m so excited’, and Chloe ‘Kiss Kiss’. But despite Jason’s approval for Chloe’s routine, even taking his hat off to her and revealing the results of his recent hair transplant, the TV presenter come model, failed to win the support of the public to dance the bolero,placing her in third place.

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