Jessica-Jane was voted out of the jungle in I’m a Celeb last night. The brunette was in the bottom two with Prince Willie.
Jessica-Jane said she was looking forward to seeing her fiancee and eating chocolate brownies on her escape from the jungle.
Also, on last night’s show:
- Anthony went AWOL after the roles in camp for the Prince and Princess task were swapped again, leaving him to watch Mark cook dinner. Anthony also refused to do the second part of the sabotage mission with Dougie and disappeared to the Bush Telegraph to be alone.
- Anthony and Dougie’s sabotage mission this time was to hide the camp mates' towels, make all the clean clothes dirty and get the washer woman to clean them again. Anthony eventually agreed to take part and claimed he had fell over and knocked the clean clothes onto the ground. Meanwhile, Dougie hid the towels on top of the Bush Telegraph.
- Willie made Crissy princess after Lorraine was evicted from the jungle the previous evening.
- Dougie was put into the stocks after the celebs received a note to tell them they continued to fail to keep to their own jobs and someone would be punished by going into the stocks. Dougie put himself forward for the job as much of the celebs’ error was down to him failing to do his job as woodsman properly.
- Mark did a Bushman trial and won the maximum number of stars for camp. The physical task saw him operate wheels to move the stars hanging on wire to his reach. Each wheel was placed in a pit consisting of gunge or bog, which prevented Mark from leaping out to grab the stars. However, he persevered and won a banquet for the camp.
- Jessica-Jane and Emily did the celeb chest. After Emily fell from a wooden horse suspended in the air and dropped the flags she worked hard to retrieve, Jessica-Jane attempted to guess the answer to the clue and code to take the chest to camp. Her guess was right, however the celebs in camp got the answer to who is the most popular royal wrong and forfeited their reward for water pistols.